Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
This safeguarding policy and procedure applies to everyone involved with the Vegan Camp Out Festival, including employees, volunteers and Contractors, whether paid or volunteering. The purpose of this policy is: To protect children and young adults, vulnerable adults and all attendees who participate in any way at the Vegan Camp Out; To provide employees, contractors and volunteers with, and inform attendees of the overarching principles that guides our approach to safeguarding and the protection of children, young adults, vulnerable adults, all attendees and staff.
Vegan Camp Out believes that everyone involved should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all and to keep them safe.
We are committed to practice in a way that protects children and young adults. We recognise that:
The welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the child act 1989
All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
We will seek to keep all safe by:
Valuing them, listening to and respecting them when a concern is raised
Appointing a designated safeguarding officer (DSO) for children, young people and all adults, who will report directly to the management team, security and/or medical team if required and follow our safeguarding procedures
Implementing safeguarding practices through procedures and a code of conduct for all staff and attendees
Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and where appropriate, training.
Recruiting staff safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made where appropriate
Recording and storing information professionally and securely, and sharing information about safeguarding and good practice where appropriate
Using our procedures to manage any allegations against anyone appropriately and efficiently
Creating and maintaining an anti-bullying environment and a zero tolerance of abuse code of conduct, and ensuring that we have a policy and procedure to help us deal effectively with any concern that does arise
Ensuring that we have effective whistleblowing measures in place*
Ensuring that would provide a safe physical environment for our attendees, by applying health and safety measures in accordance with the law and regulatory guidance.
*Whistleblowing: You can email which is a secure email that only two organisers have access to. The email will be treated with the strictest confidence. Please type the words 'WHISTLEBLOWING' in the email subject so we can follow our procedure as soon as the email is received.
Lost Items:
Any found lost items that are handed to a member of staff are collected and stored at the Event Control Office to be collected by the owner. You will be asked to describe your item well and potentially provide evidence of the item belonging to you before it is released to avoid fraud/theft. We keep these items for 8 weeks after the event before donating to charity and will assist in the return of your item. Vegan Camp Out does not accept liability for any loss or damage to personal belongings, vehicles or their contents.
Code of conduct:
Vegan Camp Out is dedicated to providing an abuse and harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment or abuse of event participants in any form. Vegan Camp Out does not tolerate any kind of violence or illegal activity and any attendee found to be acting out of line of our code of conduct will be ejected from the event. Our full eviction policy and what we deem to be Unacceptable behaviour can be found and read here within our Terms and Conditions.
Key Roles at the event:
These are the key roles that we have to ensure we adhere to our safeguarding policy and procedure effectively.
The organisers have ensured that safeguarding is enforced during the event. The appropriate staff have been employed to meet our safeguarding policy and procedures and the correct services will be provided throughout the event in case of a raised concerns. The organisers are present during the event, have access to all staff areas and are in constant contact with the Event Control Manager, Site Safety Manager and Security Manager in case of any raised concerns that required their attention and assistance.
Event Control Manager
The Event Control Manager is present for the duration of the event. The event manager ensures that all staff are fully trained on the safeguarding policy and procedures beforehand. The event control manager has constant contact with all staff members using a two-way handheld transceiver which all staff have.
Site Safety Manager
The Site Safety Manager is present during the event, has undergone all the relevant safety training needed to fulfil this role, oversee staff and implements the safety requirements during the event. All the necessary and legal safety requirements for this event have been adhered to, planned well in advance of the dates of the event, and are legally documented for the event and council records.
Security Manager
The Security Manager is present during the event and is responsible for the security team. The Security Manager has constant contact with the Event Control Manager, Site Safety Manager, Security Team and Medical Team. The security manager enforces the stationing and shifts of their team that has been signed off by the Site safety manager who has had previous visits to the site to know all key areas of the site, such as, but not limited to, the entrances to the venue.
Security Staff
We have above the legal requirement of security staff needed for this event and are present at all times. All exit and entrances are manned, the site is patrolled, and a security member is stationed within the event control office at all times. Every security member is in constant contact with each other, the Security Manager, Site Safety Manager, Event Control Manager and Medical team on site. The security team will be wearing security uniform/high visibility vest to be easily identified.
Stewards patrol the event at all times in case of any attendee needing any assistance. The stewards will be wearing a steward vest to be easily identified and are able to make direct contact with the security team and management.
Ticketing staff
Ticketing staff are stationed at all of the entrances and exits to ensure the ticketing procedure is followed correctly. Ticketing staff are authorised to bag search and request to see your ID if required.
We may use volunteers during our event. These volunteers will be there to help with the general running’s of the event but will also receive a copy of our safeguarding policy and procedure and be included in any on site staff meetings to ensure our policy and procedure is adhered to.
Medical Team
We have a medical team on site at all times. They are in constant contact with security, stewards and management and are located in the medical office.
Safety stations:
All staff members have access to the safety stations and are able to direct and assist attendees to these stations. All safety stations are clearly shown on the site map, which is on the event flyer that gets handed to every attendee upon arrival. It is posted onto our social media pages prior to the event and is clearly marked on the site maps which are sign posted in a minimum of two main areas of the event.
Medical Office
We have a medical office on site which is open to all attendees throughout the duration of the event. The location of the medical office may change from year to year but it is clearly marked on the site map.
On Site Ambulance
The on-site ambulance is situated very close to the medical office in case of an emergency.
Event Control Office
The event control office is accessible by attendees at all times to raise any concern and is clearly marked on the site map.
Designated Child and Young people Safeguarding Officer (DSO): Laura Chepner
Lead designated Safeguarding officer and Site Safety manager: Steven Lees
Event Control Manager: Guy Naylor
Security Manager: Lisa courts

In the rare instance of a child being reported missing the parent/guardian would not be required to document the report of concern in the first instance. The member of staff who has had the concern raised to will immediately report to the 'Child and Young Person Safeguarding Officer' who will alert all managers and security. During a missing child concern, all exits will be monitored and no adult with a child will be permitted to leave the site until the child can be identified as their own, or the missing child is located. Every child has a children's wrist band with their information on it in order for staff to easily identify an unaccompanied child. If staff sees a child unaccompanied they will be taken to the Event Control Office and be with a member of security until the parents are located.
Coronavirus Safety Measures
Vegan Camp Out are very aware that the recent epidemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing many to feel concerned about their safety. We want to assure all of our attendees that we are following all official guidelines and implementing safety measures and policies to make this event as safe as possible.
We will keep up-to-date information on our website pertaining to the status of the event, and precautions for attendees onsite
We will send email communications to registered event participants with any pertinent updates leading up to the event, such as safety measure they can take, rescheduling, or cancellation.
On Site:
We will provide sanitation stations onsite at the event with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, if the coronavirus is still a present risk.
We will provide all stalls and food vendors with hand sanitizer.
We will provide hand sanitizer upon arrival at each entrance.
We will provide signage onsite encouraging attendees to practice Respiratory Hygiene.
Covering your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue (not hands) when coughing or sneezing.
Avoid touching your hands, nose, and mouth to avoid transferring germs from surfaces.
Discard a used tissue immediately into a closed rubbish bin.
Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based sanitizer and/or soap and water.
We will ask the venue we use to regularly sanitise all surfaces throughout the event space.
We will be sanitising speaker microphones between each speaker’s use.
We will ask our cleaning team to sanitise all areas more frequently than the usual rota would reccomend.
We ask all attendees to:
Adopt a no-handshake policy at the event.
Wash hands frequently.
Cough or sneeze into elbows only.
Stay home if they are sick or experiencing any cold/flu-like symptoms for their own safety and the safety of others (See below 'decision chart').
Seek medical care right away and alert our staff verbally without physical contact should they begin to experience cold or flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing) onsite.
Decision Chart:
Please refer to this chart two weeks prior to the event (21st August 2020).​

Public Health England - latest link to Categorised counties.